Homework and in-class projects from my Language of Drawing class
Homework: 3-point perspective
I am a magical unicorn bishoujo
Homework: Sketch something with metamorphosis
Homework: Sketch something with metamorphosis
Charcoal fingerprint practice
I am a fish.
Made using charcoal fingerprints
Charcoal landscape
(WIP) Charcoal landscape
Homework: More metamorphosis work
Homework: More metamorphosis work
...I got lazy
Rock faces are hard...
There's also an unintentional snooty face on the right
Homework: Scenery
Homework: Scenery
First image of the class where the source didn't come from me
Making small little stars in charcoal is hard...
Concept art for midterm project
Working with sumi ink and pencil today, decided to do a picture of Mary from Ib.
Source was a photo I took of a cosplayer at Anime Expo 2014
Close up of Mary
I realize I'm not that great with ink...
Wasn't really feeling the artsy vibe with the ink today...
Getting started on my midterm project
Folded from a 3ft x 3ft paper